Ticks are generally considered to be one of those pests that you want to stay away from, and with good reason. These bugs are just about the last thing you want to bite you since they are carriers of diseases like Lyme Disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

If or when you or someone you know is bitten by a tick, immediately see a health professional that may be able to advise you on what to do next and how to medically treat it. Do not put it off and do not think that it will ‘just be fine’!

Always keep in mind when you are entering into wooded areas or places with long grass that these guys love to hang out there and can catch a ride on your shoes, clothing, skin, or pets. Do tick checks after walking in these types of areas of yourself, friends, and pets.

That being said, ticks are also interesting. Read on to learn five new facts about ticks you may not have known before!


They’re actually not insects at all.

Although they may be often mistakenly referred to as insects, ticks are actually not in fact insects. They are a relative to the mite, the scorpion, and the eight-legged spider, and are classified officially as being ‘arachnids’. You can kind of see the likeness if you look at an up-close photo of a tick, where it has no antennae but four pairs of legs.


They’re acrobatic to get to where they want to be.

Ticks may not fly, or jump like fleas, but they’re tricky nevertheless. The arachnids will crawl up grass or brush so that they can wait for a host. Once one comes by, they use their back legs to hold onto the grass and then use the front legs to reach out and grab a human or animal coming by, or even fall onto a host if they need to. These ticks are tricky!


Ticks are like vampires in that they both desire your blood.

Vampires always want to suck your blood, and so do ticks. Ticks feed on blood to survive, and they love any blood that comes their way. They’ll feed on deer, small animals, birds, mice, dogs, and humans, so beware — and wear those high socks and long pants when out and about in nature!


Ticks like dogs just as much as humans do.

Some ticks really like dogs, like the brown dog tick or American dog tick. Dogs often pick up these guys while being in wooded areas or even the backyard or on walks. Check them for ticks and wash all plush items and bedding for the dog and for the humans regularly. Be sure to examine any cats you have if they go outdoors regularly too to be sure they’re tick-free.


Ticks will feed for a long time.

Ticks are made to feed for a while, and they’ll sink their teeth in and attach themselves so that they can stay there for days if not removed. Remove them ASAP if you or a pet have been bitten by a tick. At the point of within 24 to 48 feeding hours, ticks are more likely to transmit diseases and infections, which means you or your pet is at a higher risk of catching them.

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